
GNUGoS60 is a port of the FSF's GNU Go game engine to Nokia's S60 smartphone platform running on SymbianOS.

It is Free Software.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

GnuGo for S60 Achieves Stability

As You can see from the above image, gnugo is is now operating pretty solidly on the S60 emulator. That's a genuine game (that i am in the process of losing :). In case you are wondering why I made the stupid moves into the corner it's because I was doing edge testing! Honestly! For some reason that I don't remember now, the GUI that I made is indexing 1 to 19, but gnugo is indexing 0 to 18. This was causing it to abort any time I played a move on the edge. It seems ok now, though I'll have to check if there is some tidy up that I can do there.

The stability is all down two things. Firstly ECompXL allowing me to leave all the global data as it was, and secondly due to the long hours I spent getting rid of all the overlarge automatic variables. They were causing a lot of stack overflows which are impossible to debug. I made a macro to malloc the memory instead of allocating on the stack. I also wrapped the affected files in C++, so that I could use automatic pointer type of class to take care of the freeing. I was having huge memory leaks before that because gnugo has lots of cpp macros that include a return statement.

I also tried to make a SIS package today. I got it to create and to install on my N90, but of course it didn't run at all or give any useful message why. No doubt I am putting some file in the wrong place or something. Symbian installation is not the nicest system in the world.

I also got some official UIDs allocated now, so I am using one of those for the application rather than one plucked out of thin air.

I also need to stop procrastinating and brush up on how to use CVS, so I can make the source code available. Need to do that before I start distributing any SIS packages anyway.

Next up to implement is the ability to play a smaller game than 19x19, so that I can test end of game conditions without waiting for hours. This should be just adding a menu basically. The board gui control and gnugo engine already support it.