
GNUGoS60 is a port of the FSF's GNU Go game engine to Nokia's S60 smartphone platform running on SymbianOS.

It is Free Software.

Friday, September 22, 2006

ECompXL: Epoc Compressed Executable Loader

I found this interesting project ECompXL, yesterday. It's basically a replacement loader for your Symbian application. What's interesting from my point of view is that it also adds support for global data. From the text:

Support for global data and global C++ objects in applications

Symbian OS executables (.exes) already have full support for global modifiable data and global C++ objects, and ECompXL allows you to have them in your applications (.apps) as well. If you have built your application as described in the previous section, support for global modifiable data in your application comes for free.
This is cool if it works as advertised. I'll have to give it a try out.