
GNUGoS60 is a port of the FSF's GNU Go game engine to Nokia's S60 smartphone platform running on SymbianOS.

It is Free Software.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

GnuGo for S60 running on Nokia N90

Merry Christmas!

As you can see here GnuGoS60 is now running on a real phone. I had been having trouble getting anywhere at all. I was able to make a SIS, but the application didn't run at all.

Eventually I figured out that even a HelloWorld application didn't run with ECompXL enabled. I am not entirely sure why this and spent some time doign binary diffs and checking various things to no avail. Everything seemed ok. I had been using the binary distribution of it on the ECompXL website, but just since I had run out of ideas I decided to compile from source the .app and .exe of ECompXL. Suddenly HelloWorld worked, and soon after so did GNU Go.

I am not entirely sure why I should need to have done that, but anyway it launches now, so no complaints.

What it doesn't do is run properly though. It always crashes immediately after playing my second move. This doesn't happen at all on the emulator unfortunately. I have gotten rid of all those bugs, and on the emulator everything runs smoothly, so it's a bit of a pain to have to go and do all that again on the device, but such is life. Time to investigate flogger...

Still looking good for a 0.1 release for 2nd edition devices in the new year, and third edition shortly after that. Here's hoping!